喝牛奶竟比喝水解渴? 炎炎夏日如何正确补水
to Stay Hydrated
But now, a new “beverage hydration index” provides evidence-based suggestions for how to most efficiently hydrate.
The results showed that four beverages —
oral rehydration solution, like Pedialyte;
以电解质液体为代表的口服补水溶液fat-free milk;脱脂牛奶whole milk;全脂牛奶
and orange juice 橙汁
— had a significantly higher hydration index than water.研究显示有四种饮料的补水指数远高于水,它们分别是以电解质液体为代表的口服补水溶液;脱脂牛奶;全脂牛奶和橙汁。
Perhaps surprisingly, drinks containing moderate amounts of caffeine and alcohol or high levels of sugar had hydration indexes no different from water. In other words, coffee and beer are not dehydrating, despite common beliefs to the contrary, and regular soda can hydrate you just as well as water.
For example, if you’re going on a long drive and won’t have access to fluids (or to bathrooms), you’d be smarter to drink milk with its high hydration index rather than water or iced coffee. But don’t forget that milk has many more calories than water, so don’t overdo it, either.
Dr. Armstrong noted that in hot weather, it’s important to monitor your hydration status throughout the day. He suggested paying attention to your thirst, and drinking when necessary. Also, if your urine color is a dark yellow, it’s time for a refreshing drink.